Does The COVID-19 Pandemic Increase The Processing Time For K-1 Visas?

Yes, the COVID-19 pandemic is causing an increase in K-1 Visa processing times to be delayed. However, the COVID-19 pandemic is fluid and unpredictable. It affects one geographic location differently from how it affects another location. Moreover, the effect it has on each geographical location is ever-evolving.

The best way to achieve the fastest result, even during the pandemic, is to file a thorough, detailed, and effective submission as quickly as possible. The knowledgeable and experienced Immigration Attorneys at the Law Offices of Dizengoff and Yost can answer your questions and address your concerns regarding K-1 Visas.

Is The K-1 Visa Processing Time Taking Longer As A Result Of The COVID-19 Pandemic?

Our skilled immigration lawyers work very hard and smartly to try to help our clients achieve a successful adjudication of their K-1 Visa Applications as quickly as possible. For a free consultation, please contact our Lawyers at Dizengoff and Yost Immigration Law Firm in Philadelphia; please give us a call today at 267-223-5862. Thank you so much.

In case you or anyone you know is in need of immigration support, we kindly ask you to share this valuable information on social media with the goal of raising awareness and providing assistance to those who need it.

K-1 Visa Processing Taking Longer Because COVID-19 Pandemic

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